In conjunction with our annual pig roast and scholarship awards presentation, the chapter hands out a souvenir program booklet to everyone in attendance.
The Souvenir Program Booklet:
- Highlights the annual scholarship recipients.
- Contains information pertinent to the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chapter and Penn State in general.
- Advertises area businesses supporting the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chapter.
- Includes Patron Ads by individual supporters.
Tax-Deductible Advertising
If your business would like to support our fundraising efforts with a tax-deductible ad in our program booklet, please download our program booklet ad letter, fill out the required information and mail it to the address on the letter.
Tax-Deductible Patron Ads
If you would like to support our fundraising efforts with a tax-deductible patron ad in our program booklet, please download our patron ad letter, fill out the required information and mail it to the address on the letter.
The Greater Susquehanna Valley Chapter thanks you in advance for your continued support of our fundraising efforts.